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Why Support JASAN

In our weekly edition of “Thankful Thursdays” we thank our members for their donation to the JASAN Annual Campaign and ask each contributor the question: “Why do you support JASAN?”

Debbie Denmark said, “It’s easy to give back to an organization that provided career and personal growth opportunities. Lucky for 30 plus years at JA. In 30 years you meet a ton of great leaders, mentors and friends. The mission is a bonus. That’s why I support JASAN.”

Another feature of our “Thankful Thursdays” will be to share the appreciation expressed by our JA colleagues for the NLC scholarship they received.

This week we’re featuring Wendy Hodges Kent of JA Southern Nevada. Wendy was a recipient of a JASAN scholarship to attend the JA National Leadership Conference in Kansas City. (Dennis Gilfoyle)

2024 Karl Flemke Award Winner

Sara Dziuk, President and CEO Junior Achievement North